Duration: 20.4.2024 – 19.4.2026, INTERREG ITALIA-SLOVENIA

SO 1.1. Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the update of advanced technologies

The ALL-MICRO project creates a cross-border network centred on high-level optical and electron microscopy topics between academic and research players and technology hubs. The aim is to disseminate knowledge on the potential of optical and electron microscopy as a tool for the technological advancement and innovation of companies and public bodies and for increasing the competitiveness of all businesses in the macro-region. The targets of this project are small, medium and large companies operating in the macro-region territory, hospitals and medical centres, research centres and academic institutions and business support organisations. Knowledge about the most innovative techniques in optical and electron microscopy is often limited to very specialised institutions and personnel and is not readily available to those who want to use this tools to increase their innovativeness and competitiveness on the global market. The high cost of instrumentation and continuous technological evolution make it difficult to move these methodologies from a purely academic or basic research use to applied research, industry and services. The aim of this project is to bridge the gap between academia and basic research on the one hand, and industry and services on the other, creating a bridge that allows the skills and instrumentation present in the macro-region to be fully exploited for the benefit of all productive activities. This objective is also part of an environmental sustainability perspective that requires crossing national borders in order to share complementary resources between Italy and Slovenia, avoiding duplication of costly and environmentally high-impact instrumentation.
The Universities of Trieste and Nova Gorica and the research centres of the Istituto Officina dei Materiali (National Research Council) and the Nanocenter will contribute to the network’s objective with their high quality instrumentation and a wide range of complementary knowledge and expertise, the result of many years of experience, covering optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The technology hubs Friuli Innovazione (FINN /TEC4I.FVG) and Primorski Tehnoloski Park (PTP) will be indispensable for identifying and approaching targets interested in learning about the opportunities offered by the new microscopy techniques, creating a productive contact between academia and the private sector. The crossborder approach will be essential to exploit the resources present in the macro-region to the benefit of both sides of the border, creating a dynamic community capable of reaching a wider range of targets.
