Low Temperature probestation with vertical magnetic field CPX-VF
Manufacturer: Specs GmbH
Year: 2012
Financed from EU (ESRD) founds from the operation Center of Excellence in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology – CENN Nanocenter 2010 – 2013.
4-probe probestation for measurements of electrical properties in temperature range 4K-400K and in a vertical magnetic field 0T – 2.6T. Each of the four probes can be moved in three degrees of freedom with micrometer screws. Each probe is a thin needle-like tip with curvature radius of 3um – 25um, and is connected to the measurement device through a triaxial connector. Liquid nitrogen and helium (which needs to be obtained separately) can be used for cooling, with the former we can reach 70K and 4K with the latter.
Low-temperature probe station with vertical magnetic field CPX-VF ProbeStation with 2.5T vertical s.c. magnet – Lake Shore: supplier – TECO Rene Koch, Switzerland (2010)

Project leader: Prof. Dragan Mihailović
Responsible person: Damjan Svetin, damjan.svetin@ijs.si
Equipment location: room C210, Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana
Requested level of experience: person in charge must be present at the first use of the probe station of each user
Equipment reservation: to be discussed with responsible person
Equipment accessibility: from Monday to Friday from 8:00 – 16:00 (or in agreement with person in charge)